Are You Working With Someone Who Is Struggling?
January 22, 2025

If you are supporting someone who is feeling stressed, sad, or fearful, you might be tempted to smother those feelings by exuding positivity and repeating sentiments like, “It’s all going to be okay!”
My advice: Don’t.
Repressing emotions doesn’t work—they’ll come out somewhere, somehow. You and your colleagues need the space and tools to care for yourselves and each other. Everyone needs and deserves space to process their current experience so they can move forward.
My advice:
- Get in touch with your emotions and support others in expressing theirs. As a starting point, try my Get to Know and Emotion Cycle exercise from the Onward Workbook.
- Adopt an empowering mantra to say every day and return to in moments of challenge. Some ideas to get you going:
- My anchor holds, despite the storms
- I choose hope on this journey
- What is today doesn’t have to be tomorrow
- Don’t sugarcoat. When you’re in conversation with someone who is struggling, be open and present (and do the same for yourself, when you’re feeling low). This might sound like:
- This is hard.
- Whatever you’re feeling is valid.
- I believe in you, and I have your back.
- What do you need me to know so I can best support you?
And remember, when times are tough, we may be in the same storm, but we’re not in the same boat. Power and privilege come in many forms, and each layer entitles those who possess it to greater comforts, access, and security. Let’s not only be mindful of power dynamics but also actively work to equalize them.
Keep Learning:
- Get content like this sent straight to your inbox by subscribing to my Weekly Wisdom Newsletter
- Is your first instinct to try and ‘fix it’ when your client has a problem? Learn 5 steps to support your clients’ agency by listening to this podcast episode
- Emotions are important, but remember that Coaching is Not Therapy
- Need a community? Our Transformational Coaching PLC is here for you–and included in our memberships